We are expanding our quality assurance methods with a new PMI analyzer. This tool is able to determine the chemical composition of a metal and compare it to the allowable ran-ges defined by the material standard. Thus, we can make sure that the material meets the requirements.
Several of our customers have determined that PMI analysis is necessary for their products, and in order to increase the flexibility of inspection activities, we acquired our own device for analysis. In the measurement, a pulsed laser analyzes the surface of the material, whe-reby the device’s spectrometer detects the wavelengths of different elements from the plasma light and measures their intensities. From them, the device calculates the concent-rations of the elements and identifies the metal alloy (grade) in a few seconds.
We offer our customer the opportunity to take a spot test analysis of the materials used in the product in connection with the FAT inspection.
If desired, we report the measurements performed as part of the final documentation.